v 3.1.8
    - BUG: Fixing wrong feedback form displaying for student users. #48

v 3.1.7
    - SYS: Fixing changelog & trimming whitespace.

v 3.1.6
    - SYS: Code formatting.

v 3.1.5
    - SYS: Updating CI for new env. #47

v 3.1.4
    - BUG: UW Logins in non-cse versions of cross-listed courses, not getting the form. #46

v 3.1.3
    - BUG: CSE users with blank student record not getting a form. #45

v 3.1.2
    - BUG: Still emailing webmaint for issues, changed to support.#44

v 3.1.1
    - BUG: Do something useful when the course schedule database doesn't return data even though it should.#43

v 3.1
    - UI/Feature: Forcing active choice of feedback. All students now get the Standard Set as well.#42

v 3.0
    - Feature: Adding non-course related feedback #41

v 2.1.2
    - BUG:  TA lookup failure when CSENetid != UWNetID. #40

v 2.1.1
    - BUG:  Missed reference to old quarter number system. #39

v 2.1
    - System: Moving to new CI deploy / testing system. #37
    - Code Cleanup #38
    - Sending the submitter a BCC of their own message #34
    - Making the Textarea a required field #35
    - Fixing some typos #36
    - System: Moving to v2 of the csched webservice #28

v 2.0.2
    - CSEM Courses were getting filtered out. #33

v 2.0.1
    - Adding a subject line notification to the feedback form. #30
    - Fixing webservice call to return current quarter correclty. #31
    - Refactoring to determine current quarter once and pass it around. #32

v 2.0
    - Updating codebase to comply with PSR2 Style. #11
    - Adding 'other admins' to feedback selector. #9
    - Adding TA centric view/feedback. #10
    - Making Instructors checked by default. #16
    - Removing TAs from Feedback selector.  #19
    - Display Other Allen School Staff in selector.  #17
    - Send 1 email with multiple recpients, rather than multiple emails.  #18
    - Fixing course filtering to only show the main section enrolled.  #13
    - Filtering people, so they only appear in one list, not both.  #22
    - Cleaning up error log.  #23
    - Adding feedback type to email subject line.  #25
    - Wordsmithing and typos. #26
    - Only pulling registration for current quarter. #27
    - Limit local WS calls for CSE/EE courses. #29

v 1.0.8
    - Filtering subsections out of courses and accounting for CSEP and DATA courses. #4

v 1.0.7
    - Fixing Changelog Link #8
    - Adding a button to bring you back to the start for more feedback sending. #3

v 1.0.6
    - Fixing undeclared variable error  #6
    - Fixing outgoing email issue #5
    - Making a better changelog #7

v 1.0.5
    - Better information if you've taken no recent CSE courses.

v 1.0.4
    - Wordsmithing

v 1.0.2
    - Updating autodeploy config

v 1.0.1
    - Creating explicit login buttons

v 1.0
    - Release

v 0.0.2
    - Switching configs for different server

v 0.0.1
    - Fixing Code Deployment Config

v 0.0
    - Stub structure and project setup